Legacy Electrical

Electrical Compliance, Safety Regulations and Electrical Standards

Legacy Electrical are trained and experienced New Zealand Electrical Inspectors, and we can carry out a range of electrical inspection services for your business or organisation. We work and inspect to the standards set under New Zealand Government legislation – e.g. The Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010 (SR 2010/36) act. We are also fully familiar with the set of rules, regulations and guidelines for industry safety promoted by the Electrical Workers Registration Board.

Knowing which standards apply to the area of electrical work we are undertaking at any time is critical to ensure ongoing compliance for your business premises. Legacy Electrical are electrical compliance specialists. As Auckland-based electricians / electrical installers who install, inspect, and test electrical installations, we ensure that the New Zealand Wiring Rules (AS/NZS3000:2007) are followed. We are also familiar with NZ Standards AS/NZS 5761, 5762 and 3760.

NZS3760, for example, covers in-service testing and repairs of appliances. Regulation 26 of the Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010 specifies that “Appliances are deemed electrically safe if they have a current test tag issued in accordance with NZS 3760”. Legacy Electrical’s Testing and Tagging service can verify the safety of your electrical appliances, and ensure that your business is compliant with this standard.

Why is this important for you as our customer? Employers must ensure that appliances are maintained and periodically tested for safety, and they must not allow the use of electrical appliances if they are electrically unsafe. Non-testing of your appliances on a regular basis can be considered “reckless behaviour” under New Zealand law. If an untested or unsafe appliance causes a fire at your business, or if bad electrical wiring work is at fault, your insurance company may deny your claim as you did not take “reasonable care” to avoid risks or loss. Any accident with an untagged appliance root cause could lead to business prosecution by OSH / Worksafe NZ.

Regular electrical wiring audits and testing are also important for Auckland commercial, industrial, and retail premises. The Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 stipulates that “Employers must take all practicable steps to ensure plant is maintained and safe to use”. Legacy Electrical can provide wiring audit and inspection services, for your peace of mind.

Don’t leave your electrical compliance to chance. Trust Legacy Electrical to test your electical appliances and installations, and remedy any issues found. Auckland employer compliance with the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, the Electricity Act 1992, and the Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010 is important – as huge fines can be issued for non-compliance.

Email alex@legacyelectrical.co.nz NOW or contact Alex on 022 108 1177, to discuss your Electrical Compliance, Safety Regulations and Electrical Standards needs.

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